Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Got tomatoes but want squash? Veggie Trader to the rescue!

Gardening is cool; barter is way cool; bartering with vegetables is super cool! Check out Veggie Trader if you want to connect with locals who might be growing something you didn't, and who are looking for a mutually agreeable swap! Check out their blog, too. We've talked with friends and divvied up who will grow this while we grow that (and also entered into joint custody of a dehydrator with Val and Aron), and this broadening of the circle could be very cool.

Called up Jilly and dined at Marco Polo together. My view out the window at our booth was not so bad.

Cherry blossoms! This means it's time to get the Orchard Mason bees outta the fridge and into their new home (a very cool tiki-style hive-hut that Scot made).

1 comment:

  1. Veggie trader is a great idea. We are making our first foray into veggie gardening with the kids. We'll see what survives and I may try and take advantage of that.
